Sunday, November 06, 2005

Rocking Worship with On Call in Spring Lake Park...

My church is a small, suburban, blue collar, conservative Baptist church. We are slowly transitioning into a more contemporary style of worship, moving from the 50's to the early 90's :-) Today our church was something different. Today we had what is likely the loudest worship service that will ever take place in that sanctuary, unless we sell the church to a Pentacostal punk band. It was incredible. I pulled into the parking lot and could hear the band playing worship music. I knew immediately something was going on. Our new Youth Pastor had brought to our church for the weekend a group called "On Call" On Call consists of students in grades 10-12 from West-Central Minnesota. They are all members of Youth for Christ, which is the previously employer of our Youth Pastor. From the On Call web site:

You want these guys at your event! What could be more uplifting than the plaster shaking in your church from 25 kids praising God? If you're looking for something else, we can unplug and give you an accoustic version of the latest messages that are important to kids.

The anthem of these young people is to have reason to live. They want to glorify God.

For upcoming rehearsals, concerts, and ongoing events, Click on the calendar link in the upper right corner of this page. And don't forget to sing a praise in the shower every morning! That's where you sound best!
They had the people in my church clapping their hands, which if you knew my church you would know is nearly a revolution. There was a pulse today, life in our sanctuary. It's too bad we have to bring in an outside group to jump start us, but we'll take it. I'm sure there will be complaints this week, but that's OK. It was loud, the students did smile, Jesus was glorified and honored, and if people want to complain about that, I'll be happy to listen...when my ears stop ringing!

Really though, if you are in Minnesota, and need a replacement worship group for a weekend at your church, seriously consider bringing this group in. Outstanding musicianship by the youth, incredible voices that were literally giving me chills on some of the more vocal intensive parts, and brilliant God loving energy. They can range from du wop to heavy rock, and cover everything inbetween. There were vocal arrangements, and instrumentals. I cannot over emphasize just how enjoyable it was to praise God with these students today. Check them out, see if you can fit them into your ministry sometime.

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