Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Christian Mind: "This is My Pin."

This is squirt milk out of my nose funny. I didn't have any milk at the time, but really, it would've happened if I did. I too get a TON of hits from people searching Osteen stuff (HERE, HERE, and HERE). 10 days ago I was at 600+ visiters per day because I blogged a few thoughts on Hurricane Wilma and damage to Cancun. Little did I know my musings about my scheduled honeymoon spot would move me to #7 (at the time) of the google.com listings with Hurricane +Wilma +Cancun as the search. I get hits from strange and random things I never expect to be worthy of people searching for. Oh well, hopefully they'll see a bit of Christ when they pass through.


Sprittibee said...

You said: "hopefully they'll see a bit of Christ when they pass through"

I have, Chris! I'm glad that BlogAdSwap brought me to your blog. I haven't seen it before, and plan to add you to my blogroll.

God bless.

Chris Meirose said...

I was fortunate to get in on the ground floor of BlogAdSwap. I actually checked out your blog through links from my visit statistics. I suspected you might have come through via the Ad system. I think I've had a couple of people each day since I added it. I click on it a few times a day myself to see where it will take me. I do worry a bit about not having control over which blogs my Ad will show up on. I do have it set to only Christian blogs, but that is a pretty diverse group.

Big Chris