Students Think They Can Multitask. Here’s Proof They Can’t.
With easy access to all sorts of technology, students multitask. So do lots of us for that matter. But students are way too convinced that multitasking is a great way to work. They think they can do two or three tasks simultaneously and not compromise the quality of what they produce. Research says that about 5% of us multitask effectively. Proof of the negative effects of multitasking in learning environments is now coming from a variety of studies.
The question is, how do we get students to stop? We can tell them they shouldn’t. We can include policies that aim to prevent it and devote time and energy trying to implement them. I wonder if it isn’t smarter to confront students with the facts. Not admonitions, but concrete evidence that multitasking compromises their efforts to learn. The specifics are persuasive and here are some examples to share with students.
- In an experiment involving 62 undergraduate students taking a
principles of accounting course, half of the cohort was allowed to text
during a lecture and half had their phones turned off. After the
lecture both groups took the same quiz and the students who did not text
scored significantly higher on the quiz.
Ellis, Y., Daniels, W. and Jauregui, A. (2010). The effect of multitasking on the grade performance of business students. Research in Higher Education Journal, 8
- This research focused on the use of laptops in a 15-week management
information systems class enrolling 97 upper division students. With
student consent, researchers used a spyware program that tracked the
windows and page names for each software application run during class
time. Students were encouraged to run “productive windows”—those that
related to course content. Spyware also tracked the number of
“distractive windows” students ran, including games, pictures, email,
instant messaging and web surfing. Students had these distractive
windows open 42% of the class time. Students who tried to listen to the
lecture while using these distractive windows had significantly lower
scores on homework, projects, quizzes, final exams and final course
averages than students who looked at mostly productive windows.
Researchers also found that this population under reported the extent of
their multitasking.
Kraushaar, J. M. and Novak, D. C. (2010). Examining the affects of student multitasking with laptops during lecture. Journal of Information Systems Education, 21 (2), 241-251.
- Students taking a general psychology course were asked to read on a
computer a 3,828 word passage. One group used instant messaging before
they started reading, another group used instant messaging while they
were reading and a third group read without instant messaging. The
group that used instant messaging while they read took between 22 and
59% longer to read the passage than students in the other two groups and
that was after the time spent instant messaging was subtracted from the
reading times.
Bowman, L. L., Levine, L. E., Waite, B. M. and Dendron, M. (2010). Can students really multitask? An experimental study of instant messaging while reading. Computers & Education, 54, 927-931.
- A cross-disciplinary cohort of 774 students responded to a survey
which documented that the majority of them engaged in classroom
multitasking. Their multitasking was significantly related to lower GPA
and to an increase in risk behaviors including use of alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.
Barak, L. (2012). Multitasking in the university classroom. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6 (2)
- Students in a general psychology course completed weekly surveys on
various aspects of the class. They reported their attendance, and if
they used laptops during class for things other than note taking (like
checking email, instant messaging, surfing the Web, playing games).
They also rated how closely they paid attention to the lectures, how
clear they found the lectures and how confident they were they
understood the lecture material. The level of laptop use negatively
correlated with how much attention students paid to the lectures, the
clarity of the lectures and how well they understood the lecture
material. “The level of laptop use was significantly and negatively
related to student learning. The more students used their laptops in
class, the lower their class performance.” (p. 910)
Fried, C. B. (2008). In-class laptop use and its effects on student learning. Computers and Education, 50 (3), 906-914.
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