Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Is God in your life?

Is God in your life?  First, you should know there are ebbs and flows to our feelings, but God is constantly there.  The changing thing is us not Him.  One way to feel closer to God is to spend more time in prayer - do this regularly for a while.  Do it just like you're having a conversation with a friend.  Some people (myself included) find it very helpful to write these prayers out in a prayer journal. 

Spending time reading the Bible is also helpful.  When I regularly read my Bible I always feel pulled toward God - even when He is pointing out my sins.  Read the book of John if you are looking for a place to start. 

Spending time with other Christians, especially those who are more spiritually mature than you are is another good way to feel God's presence in your life.  Keep in mind that often times our perspective is warped in our view of God, and we miss a LOT of places He is working in our lives and is close to us because we can't see it in the moment.  Years later we can look back and clearly see God's fingerprints all over our life, but in the moment while we are living it, it can often seem like we're not closely connecting with God at that time. 

Another place we need to look at is all the blessings in our lives and we'll clearly see that God is there.  While life can sometimes be tough and we can be frustrated, the reality is that God deeply loves us and provides for us in amazing ways.  We have food to eat where many in the world went to bed hungry.  We have clean and safe drinking water where many people died today because of diseases they picked up from drinking bad water.  While our relationships aren't perfect, there are people in our lives that God placed there who love us very much.  We have clothes to wear.  We have a roof over our head.  We have so many other wonderful and amazing things we take for granted - both big and small - that are clear evidences of God in our lives. 

Sometimes He isn't in our lives like we want or expect, but He is always there nonetheless.  And often times when God seems most distant is when He is actually closest to us.

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