Tuesday, March 16, 2010

When to send for your pastor

A while back I was digging around some old files in our church and found a really neat brochure for the church from the early 1950's, shortly after our current building was constructed.  Below is one of the last pages from this document, typed as they originally made it:

Your relationship with your church will be infinitely more creative and helpful all around if you recognize your responsibility to call your pastor when you want him, instead of trusting to infrequent or irregular calls by him on you.  Call your pastor as you would your doctor, when you want him!  He will come at any hour, day and night, to be of service.  Following are some particular times when you will want to call your pastor.  Do this and your life will be enriched.

1.  When a loved one is seriously ill and facing death.
2.  When a friend or relative continues to be despondent following the death of a loved one.
3.  When you are facing surgical operation.
4.  When you are facing adjustments to a physical handicap.
5.  When you are going through a long convalescence.
6.  Following the birth of a baby.
7.  When you desire to join the church.
8.  When you have begun to worry about excessive drinking, or when a loved one is drinking excessively.
9.  When you are having difficulty in your marriage; don't wait too long!
10.  When you are choosing a life-work and feel uncertain about your choice.
11.  When you are choosing a life-mate, and have doubts about your choice, or when you are planning your marriage, plan lots of time to counsel with your pastor.
12.  When you, as a parent, are concerned about either of the above decisions for your son or daughter.
13.  When you are discouraged and life has lost its meaning.
14.  When a loved one has become despondent for no obvious reason.
15.  When the behavior of a loved one shows marked and rapid change, whether it is toward excessive misbehavior or excessive interest in religion; both are indications of serious personality disturbances.
16.  When you have some anniversary, some great family day or joy or celebration, your pastor ought to be called for moments of high joy, as well as for difficult moments.
17.  When you have anything you honestly feel a need to discuss with your pastor, call him!  Don't wait for him to call you!

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