Thursday, May 21, 2009

Purpose Driven Network Summit - Session 5 Notes

The following notes were taken and generously shared by Phil Wheelehan. I spent the day at Eagle Brook Church's Relevance Conference listening to Bill Hybels and Bob Merritt talk shop, so I didn't get to attend the Purpose Driven Network Summit. Phil also said that next Thursday Rick will be doing 3 more sessions, as he felt the need to extend this event to share more stuff. I will post my notes from the Relevance Conference when I get a few minutes to type them up.

Saddleback Session 5

May 28th Webcast next week…

The Jesus Model more notes for today’s sessions

Session 5

Rick doesn’t respond to criticism anymore… Like Nehemiah said “project is too important for me to come down to your level” they answer them for what he was doing.

Billy Graham said, “if you wrestle with a pig… you are both going to get dirty… but only one of you are going to like it!”

Rick was highly criticized by those on the right and left for accepting the offer to pray the Inaugural Prayer… but he saw it as an opportunity from God… an open door to PEACE Plan because all the world leaders would be watching…

Rick made a commitment not to say a word about it until it was over… no one ever called him personally…. but many commented publicly about it. He didn’t know why, he just figured that, “ they didn’t want to know my motive.

Rick never realized when he wrote the words, “It’s not about you” that he would be tested on it many times. God always test you on what you say… Like praying to be more patient… then God puts you in situations to show your whether you really meant it.

The Christ Like Ministry of Jesus…

Rick is going to do the rest of the messages in regular webcasts… starting next Thursday… 3 more messages in the series he wants to share with us… next week he will share How did Jesus do Missions. Remember He told the disciples… “Don’t take a purse…” in other words don’t throw money at stuff.. we have tried to throw money at everything… even missions, but it doesn’t work that way…

You are going to do in the next life… what you are to do in this life… you will have far more time in eternity… God put the church here to help us do the 5 purposes.

God wants you practice here what you are going to do there…

In heaven you are going to love… God wants you to love in the real not in the ideal… when God wants you to love … he puts you with unlovely people…

Jesus spent a year before he publicly announced his Goals

There were 3 balanced areas to Jesus Ministry

* Proclamation
* Education
* Ministry

Preaching – Teaching - Healing

Jesus said teach them to do… not do it for them… most modern mission projects is in doing it for them…

During the first year of His ministry Jesus is in Galilee and becomes very popular.

Then returns to His hometown… he is now famous… the homeboy coming home…

Goes to home church…

They all know him and have heard about what he had done…

It is in this setting that Jesus decides to announces his goals… to his home church…

This is His inaugural address… 1st sermon

Was his custom… yes you need to go to church… if Jesus did… you sure do.

(Luke 4:18-19)

He takes the scroll and opens to Isaiah 60… “the Spirit of the Lord has anointed me…” if God has appointed… you have been anointed…

1. To preach the gospel to the poor;
2. he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
3. to preach deliverance to the captives,
4. and recovering of sight to the blind,
5. to set at liberty them that are bruised,

(Luke 4:19) To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

Jesus sat down… eyes were fastened on him…

Then he said… Today! This is fulfilled…

Air sucked out of the room…

Jesus is reading the prophecy of the Messiah…. He is announcing his goals… then tells them… you know what you have been looking for… I am it!

Jesus is quoting… 60 but adds in a phrase from Isaiah 58

Announces his goals a year after he had been doing it…

He preached what he already practiced! For a year!

Who Jesus came to minister to… What he came to do… How he did it…

Groups … Goals Focus… Features… Target … Tactics…

He focused on 5 categories of hurting people…

1. The Poor… have-nots
1. Material poverty – half the world (3 billion people) live on less than $2.00 a day. 1billion live on less than 1 dollar a day

i. There are 2000 passages in the Bible about the poor…

ii. Poor people have to pray… the rich don’t think they have to depend on God…

2. Moral poverty… reprobate mind… all about me…
3. Spiritual poverty… most people are spiritually poor… they don’t know God…
1. The Broken hearted… the let down…
1. Broken heart?… psalm 69:20… insults broke my heart

Note: There is a medical condition called, “broken heart syndrome”… major trauma… the brain releases chemicals that weakens the lining of the heart…

2. Rejection causes a broken heart… resentment … and disappointment…
2. Prisoners… the locked up…

Note: In prison rights are taken away… 2.5 million in jail in America… Prisoners once saved seem to become radical disciples

1. Addictions and Compulsions… lock people up and keep them from living free
2. Secrets imprison us… you are only as sick as your secrets…

i. If you can’t talk about it… it is out of control…

ii. Confess… to one another… revealing your feelings is the 1st step to healing

3. Ignorance imprisons us… most of the world is uneducated (illiterate)
4. Fear imprisons us… it is a self imposed prison
3. The Blind… the shut out…

Note: A blind person is shut out of the light… and left out…

1. Physical blindness… 50 million blind in world…
2. Relational blindness… clueless about what is causing the mess in their relationships… you are common denominator in each failed relationship

Note: Women relationally wired… men are achievement wired…Teach men about relationships… husbands don’t get it…

3. Spiritual blindness.. close our eyes to the truth of God…
4. The Oppressed… the kicked around…
1. Political oppression.. much of world struggles with it… 36 million refugees… can’t go home..

Note: 27 mil people who are slaves… in world… today… more now than before the civil war! More slaves now than ever in history in the world… The number one cause… sex slavery! Where are the abolitionist today?

2. Cultural oppression

i. Especially women… 2 million girls a year are forced into the sex trade…

ii. Honor killings.. in some societies where it is ok to kill your wife because you feel she dishonored you. (10.000 killed last year in Pakistan)

iii. Spiritual oppression… comes from Satan… depression… suppression… obsession…

Jesus announces Relief, Release, Recovery… something to Rejoice about…

The year of the Lords favor! Year of jubilee… a law God established… He didn’t want you to be overworked… 6 day work then take a day off… Sabbath year… year of rest… after 50th year… a year of jubilee…

1. every debt is forgiven… 0 balance

2. all slaves are free

3. all prisoners let go completely forgiven

4. every thing reverts back to original owner

a. Why did god do that?

Three reasons…

1. He said, I don’t want you to forget it all belongs to me… not yours.. you get to borrow it… on loan

2. I don’t want you to forget I did all these things for you… what I have done for you … you do for others…

3. I don’t want you to trust in your own ability only…

Note: Israel never practiced the Year of Jubilee! God gets so ticked… He sent Jeremiah to tell them … because you have not done this… you are going back to slavery so you can remember what it was like! They spent 70 years in slavery!

While they were in slavery. Isaiah writes a book and says… one day… a Messiah will come… Isaiah 60… now do you understand the significance of what Jesus did and said when he read that passage… I am it!

What do we learn from Jesus’ Ministry Model?

1. It’s all about helping hurting people… Healing hurts in others…
2. Jesus preached to felt needs… He always began with a hurt…
3. A hurt, a need, a question… everyone came to Jesus through one of these… except the ritualistic religious, they came to trap Him..
1. Some people criticize us for preaching to felt needs… Here are the two words for those people… “ Christ Like” Do you want to be like Jesus or some great theologian or popular preacher?

A list of the type of people who Jesus came for..

Chewed up, crossed out, freaked out, left out, locked up, let down, mixed up, picked on, pinned down, run down, run over, screwed up, shut in, shut out, strung out, turned off, turned out, used up, walked over, washed out, written off, … wow… for you and me…

Evangelism starts with friendship… love doesn’t put down… or criticize the other person

The people out there… are who he came for…

If you want the blessing on your ministry then do it like Jesus and it will be… Follow the ministry of Jesus, He said, I have given you an example… follow it…

Features of Christ like ministry…

He listed the 5 most important things to do in ministry… if there was more… I would have told you…

1. Preach Good News… you don’t have to make people feel guilty… they already feel guilty … they just try to rationalize it… people know it when they are not living right… start with EVANGELISM!!! Good News… their biggest need is a savior! Share the good news…
1. Keys to a person’s heart … their needs, their hurts, their interests.

Note: We are not to put them under conviction that is the job of the Holy Spirit

2. People are most receptive to the gospel when they are:

i. Under Tension or in Transition.

2. Heal broken hearted… ministry is about all 5 of the goals Jesus announced to bring comfort
1. Preaching… Three types of sermons…

i. Build up – fire up – hold up… people need a diet of all three…

1. Edifying messages educate people biblically and doctrinally

Note: Saddlebacks, “Foundation Course”

2. Encouragement messages bring comfort, relief, release, recovery and hope.

3. Fire up messages challenge them… let’s go do it!

4. You can’t shear sheep every week… but must feed them every week…

a. You need balance on all three…

Note: only comfort messages and they will remain weak, only fire up messages and they will burn out, only edifying messages and they will blow up… (with pride)

3. Proclaim freedom… (Do you want to know what to preach on?) Just ask people if they feel trapped? Stuck? Or locked up…
1. What do you do with people locked up in fear… Two things…

i. One teach them to practice presence of Christ… talk to him… his presence and power… you lose your fear when God is near…

ii. Second teach them to move against the fear… do the thing you fear! Step and then it will part… Jordan… different from Red Sea…

1. God does not remove the fear first…

4. Recover sight of blind… how do you help them do this? Offer insight to people… help them see what they are doing…
1. Friends don’t let friends mess up! Or do stupid things… confront…
2. Young people … plan your date… if you don’t let your plan lead you … your glands will!

5. Release the oppressed… those who are taken advantage of… picked on … made fun of … abused…

Our Goal at saddle back to get every one in the Peace plan…

Promote reconciliation… to God and others… it is the Great Commandment…

Equip servant leaders (that is what Jesus did)

Assist the poor (first message of Jesus)

Care for sick (physically, emotionally)

Educate the next generation (so the work can continue)

5 World Problems… PEACE is the solution…

The Spiritual poor… people are without God in their lives

Self centered leadership… little dictators, turf protectors… position seekers… power seekers…

Extreme poverty... the examples mentioned earlier

Pandemic diseases… we still have problems… though we have the solution to many…

Daily 30,000 children die of preventable diseases… we don’t have leaders that say… “We have got to stop this!” Here is where the Church steps up!

Good water would help… Malaria, we solved this a long time ago and the fix is not expensive. No one in America gets malaria, yet 500 million people still get it… again it is not the responsibility of Government… Here is where the Church steps in!

Education… half the people in the world can’t read or write…

Who can make the difference? Ordinary people, empowered by God making a difference where ever they are…

The Peace Plan is a lifestyle… not a program… exact opposite of missionary work today… we do it for them… it should be… how can we help you do it…

Organizations won’t last many won’t be here in 20 years… Nations don’t last, many have come and gone… but as long as there is an Earth there will be the Church! Everything is here for the Church…

We want to get our churches healthy so we can do the ministry of Jesus…

What we need to do … to do what Jesus did… the next generation is the kingdom of God…

Acts 1:8 local, national, global… it is not for you to know when… but You will receive POWER… Evangelism… Jesus said that is your priority…

Note: not sequential but simultaneous…

The only sign… World evangelism… gospel preached to all nations… ethnic groups… people groups… then the end shall come…

The answer is the Church… Don’t Give Up! Treat everyone like Christ… but Move with the Movers…

We are not in Competition… We are in Cooperation…

Rick Prayed for us…


Unknown said...

Hi Chris, any chance you got the notes from today's webcast?

Chris Meirose said...

Travis - I have partial notes from today that I will post, but I had to leave before the last two points and missed anything Rick Warren gave after that.

Chris Meirose