Friday, April 24, 2009

President Obama Has Religious Symbols Hidden

Before President Barack Obama spoke from Gaston Hall at Georgetown University last week, his advance team requested that the university hide or remove any religious symbols or signs while the president was on stage. Of the more prominent was a monogram IHS, whose letters in Greek spell out the name of Jesus and which normally perches above the stage in Gaston Hall. During the address, the monogram was covered with what appeared to be black wood.

Georgetown is a private Catholic institution founded by Jesuits in 1789. The auditorium in which the president spoke is normally adorned with religious imagery, but only the symbols directly on the stage — those likely to be picked up by a television camera — were obscured.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, accused the university of "cowardice" for acceding to the While House, and criticized Obama's team for asking a religious school to "neuter itself" before the president made his address. "No bishop who might speak at the While House would ever request that a crucifix be displayed behind him," said Donohue.

The White House said that the backdrop, which included blue drapes and a host of American flags, was standard during policy speeches and other events.

Though the advance team asked that the religious signs be veiled, the president himself included in his message an analogy from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as he outlined his plans for an economic recovery. "We cannot rebuild the economy on the same pile of sand," he said. "We must build our house upon a rock." []


Meh said...

I have a question, does Obama practice religion? And, if so, what is it? Just wondering.

Chris Meirose said...

If you check out Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright clips on YouTube you can see the church Obama went to when he was living in Illinois. He associates himself with Christianity, I cannot attest to his faith in any way. Obama's father was Muslim I think, but I don't know if he was a devout practicing Muslim. If I am remembering correctly (from the campaign) that is where he got his middle name of Hussein too. I'm not really all that informed when it comes to Obama's background. Wikipedia might have more info.