I am typing this from the 3rd floor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in downtown Minneapolis. This weekend is the Desiring God Ministries 2008 National Conference. Today there is a pre-conference get together of some regional pastors (and BISS reader Ovidiu from Seattle!) featuring Dr. Don (D.A.) Carson as the speaker. I've read quite a bit of Dr. Carson's writing, and if he is half as good in person as in print today is going to be a real treat!. Later this afternoon I'll make my way to the Minneapolis Convention Center and sign in for the conference. The first speaker is later this evening, so hopefully I'll find enough time to finish my sermon and wrap up the message I am writing for a funeral on Sunday afternoon. A crazy busy weekend! The part I am most looking forward to of this conference is getting to see Mark Driscoll speak tomorrow morning in the second session.
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