Easter at CrossRoads Church in Cottage Grove, MN absolute ROCKED!
A note from Pastor Phil Print and then some more from me:
Thanks, everyone, for making Easter '07 a smashing success. We had a well-mobilized army of volunteers who made things happen. Many of you invited and brought friends. The numbers are still being tallied, but the response was overwhelming. We had over 1,000 guests join us at Park High School. Many took a step of faith and made a commitment to follow the Risen Christ.Easter services were held at Park High School, which is just a mile or so West of CR Church. Both the 9:00 and the 11:00 services were packed out! The stage took up about 1/3 or so of the gym floor, and the rest was covered in chairs. The bleachers were all packed, and there were very few places people could have squeezed much closer without boundary issues and discomfort.
I volunteered to direct traffic during the first service. The front lot quickly filled, and we had to send everyone over to the larger secondary lot. It was sunny, but quite cold, but it was great helping out in a small way. My wife helped out with the infants during the first service, allowing parents to fully worship without being concerned about their children. I made my way into the first service just as the worship team was leaving the stage. While directing traffic I didn't really have a good feel for how many people had come. I was shocked to find how packed the place was since it was the early service. God is really moving in this community through CrossRoads Church!
Second service we got seats right up front. The band was great! My wife mentioned that she thought it was the best they have ever sounded in the time we've attended this church. And that with a mobile sound system, in a gym with poor acoustics! They even made it through a killer bloody nose to guitarist/worship intern Jordan (who earlier had nailed a killer rendition of "This is your life" by Switchfoot to set up the sermon). Great job by the team who set that all up and the people running the lights and sound (and video!). Pastor Brad Kindall was featured in a short video that I only hope finds it's way onto You Tube. Let's just say it had Brad in butterfly wings dancing, prancing, and skateboarding his way around downtown St. Paul.
Phil's message was powerful, helping to understand how we substitute so many things for Jesus. While we may think we have lived the good life, without Jesus we haven't even scratched the surface of what it is to live. Without Christ, all our pursuits are empty and pointless. With Christ we are new creations!

Related Tags: CrossRoads, CrossRoads Church, Cottage Grove, Minnesota, Park High School, Worship, Easter, Church, Pastor, Phil Print, Switchfoot, This is your life, Life Reimagined, Christ, Jesus, Christianity, God
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