Thursday, October 13, 2005

Making money can be an expensive process...

Banana and I have been working toward buying some rental properties the past few weeks, and to be honest, it's been eating my time up something fierce. I am quickly coming to the realization that it takes a lot of money to make money. A lot to me I suppose is not as much to someone else, but buying two properties at once, throwing in a re-fi on her house, and quite likely a Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC) and you have a lot of money we're talking about.

The houses we are looking at are owned by a friend, a man I have ministered with previously. It seems they are trying to help us out, which is mucho appreciated. We spent the evening with the loan guy, running numbers, figuring out every possible angle. Buying a house is scary. Buying two at once is really nuts. Our goal is to pay off my school loans, and begin to build a finacial base so we can give significantly to Kingdom work. We know the money is just on loan to us from God, and we want to be good stewards and honor God through this process. We don't ever want it to be about the money, that souless pursuit has swallowed too many people.

So I expect in the next 48 hours we will need to fish or cut bait. We'll either sign the purchase agreements, or we will walk away, undoubtedly leaving behind an opportunity that rarely comes along. Risk. Managing risk. It's stressful.

1 comment: said...

"Our goal is to pay off my school loans, and begin to build a finacial base so we can give significantly to Kingdom work."

It's a myth that you need to give a lot of money to kingdom work to be a huge impact for God. What counts EVEN MORE is faithfulness in our everyday life. Visit those in prison, comfort the weak, etc. God want YOU more than your money. Look at the big picture; all our time, treasure, and talent belongs to the Lord, if we are good stewards. Remember the widow's mite-- she gave more than the wealthy! Do you want to be like the widow, or the wealthy? God can do much more through his power and through our prayer than we can do with our money. It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
