Sunday, July 10, 2005

Wedding registries - Macy's or Bloomingdales?

Yesterday Banana and I made a trek to the Mall of America to begin the process of wedding registration. It was much less painful than I initially expecting. We didn't actually enter ourselves into any registries, we were just on a fact finding mission. We for sure will be registered at Sears (tools!!), and will have a registry at Target I would guess. We also will most likely have a registry at Marshall Field's, as many of my relatives can get to one of those if they would like. Our final decision comes down to including Macy's or Bloomingdale's. Many of Banana's friends and families live on the East and West Coast where they have access to a Macy's, and often have access to a Bloomingdale's. The advantage of Macy's is that in late October they are merging with Marshall Field's, which will greatly increase their number of stores people who will be attending our wedding can get to. The advantage of Bloomingdale's is that we really like their stuff, and they have fantastic customer service. I have never shopped at Bloomingdale's, and am uncertain if I had ever been in their store before yesterday. I was very impressed on every front.

If anyone has any input of why Macy's or Bloomingdale's is better than the other, I'd love to hear it.

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