Saturday, April 01, 2006

Relevance Conference 2006 - Eagle Brook Church

Relevance Conference 2006: Transitions

Thursday, May 11, 2006 · 8 am-5 pm · Eagle Brook Church—Lino Lakes Campus

Relevance is a moving target. In order to keep up with the culture, our churches must embrace change. But change is hard—especially for smaller churches, long-time attenders, or pastors without a supportive team.

If you’d like the encouragement, inspiration, and real-life examples that you need to be a church that thrives on transitions, don’t miss Relevance 2006! EBC will share how they’ve determined which changes needed to be made, and how their staff, volunteers, and congregation have worked through these changes as they’ve grown from a church of 300 to over 7500.

To make a difference in people’s lives, and keep reaching new people for Christ, we all need to keep raising the bar. “Good enough” never really is—join us this May as we learn from each other, and get better together.


Introduction: Can We Start That?
Senior Pastor Bob Merritt
As we kick off the 2006 Relevance Conference at EBC, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt will speak about what many of us fear—and need—most. Change.

Session 1: Can We Paint That?
Executive Director of Operations Scott Anderson
The answer to the question is a resounding YES, but first you must pay attention to the politics of church life. Knowing when to do the right thing is only part of the challenge of making calculated, wise decisions about change. You also need to know how to navigate through the many small decisions and interactions that make it the right time for change. We’ve done it both ways, so now you don’t have to!

Session 2: Can We Do That?
Executive Pastor of Ministries Dale Peterson
As a church grows and the culture changes, some programs and strategies simply must be put out to pasture. But it’s hard to determine which “sacred cows” need to go and which programs to add—especially if it affects something that is beloved by long-time attenders. Find out how to do this effectively, and organize your church in a way that will fulfill its mission.

Session 3: Can We See That?
Executive Director of Worship Amy Anderson
As a creative church, you have to be able to implement what you’ve only imagined, and sell changes that many people may resist. How do you communicate in a culture of change, and what creative tools can you use to help people embrace what’s ahead? Learn from some of the videos, dramas, music, and print media Eagle Brook has delivered in the past year.

Session 4: Can We Say That?
Senior Pastor Bob Merritt
The communication landscape is constantly changing and staying relevant is harder than ever. Relevance demands that you live on the edge and be willing to take risks that will offend some people. It also requires the humility to learn all that you can from every resource that’s available to you.

Closing: Can We Risk That?
Speaking Pastor Jason Anderson
There’s a delicate balance between stepping out in faith, and pushing something with human effort. So, what risks will you take to advance the Church—and how will you know you’re leaving room for Him? We all need to make decisions that provide space for God to work. As we bring Relevance 2006 to a close, we’ll reflect on our dependence on Christ, as we take risks for the sake of His vision and call.

Breakout Discussions
* Kids Ministries
* Student Ministries
* Music & Creative Arts
* Technical Arts
* Five Gs (Core Values)
* Structuring Your Ministry
* Communications and Marketing
* Campaign and Building Projects
* Church Leadership

Speaker's Bio's



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