Thursday, July 14, 2005

Keeping Dr. Mohler humble...

While I don't want to laugh at the expense of others, Dr. Mohler has chosen to share this with us so I think it's OK to share. It's nice to see that even great men of faith are still kept humble by the day to day events of life. Every man reading this knows we all have the capacity for this and much, much worse.

Dr. Albert Mohler writes:

Following my usual practice, a couple of years ago I quickly ran into a local card shop to pick up a Mothers Day card for my wife. Easy enough, you may say. Not so. Men are just not well equipped for greeting card shopping. It's bad enough to pay an outrageous sum for painted paper covered with sloppy prose -- it's even worse to be forced to read through a few of the insipid messages in order to find just the "right" card for the occasion. This time, I blew it. Big time.

As the kids and I were gathered to tell Mary how much we love and honor her as the mother of our household, the time came for her to open and read my card. Disaster quickly followed. It turns out that I had picked out a card for "blended families," which we are not. The card expressed awe for the mother's ability to blend two families together. You can imagine the sound of a crashing airplane as background music.

(read the rest on his web site)

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