Wednesday, April 06, 2005

None Dare Call it Bigotry...

Understanding the Post-Election Rants against Social Conservatives
by Francis J. Beckwith

"The re-election of President George W. Bush, according to many pundits, was the result of a larger than normal turnout by socially conserva­tive voters, most of whom are Christians. In the 11 states in which there were marriage protec­tion referenda on the ballots, social conserva­tives were provided with an extra incentive to go to the polls. Christianity Today reports that "exit polls show that 22 percent of voters cited 'moral values' as the one issue that mattered most when considering how to vote for President. In what will surely come as a shock to mainstream media, more voters cited moral values than either the economy/jobs (20 percent), terrorism (19 percent), or Iraq (17 percent)." [1]"

Beckwith offers his analysis of the rants against social conservatives in this essay. I found it an interesting read, and think he makes some good points.

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