Wednesday, April 08, 2009


(my dad sent this to me.  I have a dumb foot!)

You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds. I could not believe 
this!!! It is from an orthopedic surgeon.... This will boggle your 
mind and you will keep you trying over and over again to see if you 
can outsmart your foot, but, you can't.

1. Without anyone watching you (they will think you are GOOFY......) 
And while sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your 
Right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your 
Right hand. Your foot will change direction.

I told you so!!! And there's nothing you can do about it! You and I 
both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going 
to try it again, if you've not already done so.

Send it to your friends to frustrate them too!


Jay McHue said...

The trick is to get people to do it quickly without thinking about if first. If you really, really concentrate, you can get your foot to continue going clockwise while you make the 6 with your hand. It's pretty herky-jerky to begin with and if you could actually see the circles you're making with your foot and the 6 you're making with your hand, they'd likely be pretty awful. With practice, though, you could easily improve both.

Chris Meirose said...

I don't know. My right foot is an idiot. It's part of the reason I never took up drums. I can't keep my hands and feet all going in different directions in any sort of syncopated way. I was great in athletics growing up, but could not master the the ability to split my thinking to play the drums. I'm fine with two things, one foot keeping rhythm while my hands do something else. But you add a third variable in and everything comes crashing down!

Slosho said...

Actually I make my sixes backwards ( from the in side out like something being flung)... so no problem here...

Chris Meirose said...

As if I needed any more evidence that you are abnormal... :-)