Sunday, June 26, 2005

Anglican line in the sand?

Dr. Albert Mohler just posted some thoughts on news that the Angilcan Consultative Council's decision to exclude US and Canadian churches from it's decision making process for the next three years. A key thought Dr. Mohler shares is:
Can we separate a "theological orientation" from a "sexual orientation?" I think not. What we believe about God and what we believe [and practice] about sex are fundamentally and inextricably related. One cannot accommodate homosexual behavior or homosexual relationships without denying the inerrancy and infalibility of the Bible as the Word of God. The authority of the Scripture is directly assaulted by arguments for the normalization of homosexuality. Likewise, the sufficiency of Scripture is denied by those who claim that the Bible must be corrected or supplemented by contemporary ideologies of sexual orientation.
Amen brother.

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