Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sure wish I was smarter...

Unspeakable: Facing Up to Evil in an Age of Genocide and Terror, Os Guinness writes:

"We must never lose sight of the undeniable fact … [that] more people were killed by secularist regimes in the twentieth century than in all the religious persecutions in Western history, and perhaps in all history.... Whatever our personal views of religion, this statement [that religion is to blame] is simply and factually wrong, and its lazy repetition seriously distorts public debate and endangers democratic freedom. Its root is an unexamined Enlightenment prejudice that simultaneously reduces faith to its functions and recognizes only the worst contributions of faith, not the best—such as the rise of the universities, the development of modern science, the abolition of slavery, and the promotion of human rights."

Do you ever read something and wish you had said it first? Do you ever read something and wish you were smart enought to say that first? I think both are the case for me in this instance. I had the opportunity to see Os Guinness a few months ago give a presentation in association with's Faith Builder series. Man that guy is brilliant.

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